s sc is steals caught stealing, dp is double play, and po is a putout
like double play
decimal place
"DP" is the abbreviation of "Director of Photography."
what does dp and ds stand for in case numbers for court documents
Dp means that you only bat (usually) or are only field. Usually a pitcher does not bat so they don't get hurt while batting and the DP replaces them.
DP means De-pledging, essentially dropping out of the pledge process.
DP = double penetration, both front and back. ;) Yeah, I think its Double Penetration.
Double pole and single pole.
Do I like your display picture (profile pic)
The shortstop(6) fielded the ball, threw to the second baseman(4) who stepped on the bag and threw to the first baseman(3) covering first.
To 4 DP, 62.1935 To 3 DP, 62.194 To 2 DP, 62.19 To 1 DP, 62.2