Pending on Facebook means that something is being reviewed at the time. For example, when a friend request is pending, that means the other person has not made a decision to allow or deny the request yet.
A friend request will stay pending on Facebook until the person accepts or denies the request. This could mean years if the person simply refuses to respond.
It means someone sent you a relationship request through the family application.
To see your pending posts, go to your timeline and click the activity log. There you will find the pending posts.
it is mean that person hve over 1000 friend requets pending
What does option pending mean?
Your friend has to accept it
What does option pending mean?
The warrant is pending
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Peeding is not a word. Did you mean 'pending'? Pending: in the period before the decision or conclusion of; during: pending the negotiations.
According to standard Facebook procedure anyone can be your friend pending your approval. It does not matter wheather you or the other person sends the friend request.