Fait accompli means something already done and beyond alteration
Fait accompli - something that has already been done and that you can't do anything about.
fait à la main = hand-madefait à la maison = home-maderegarde ce qu'il fait à la voiture: look what he does to / is doing to the car!
The full and correct expression is 'le monde est à la fete' which means the whole world is rejoicing
Music Festival.
Christmas time at home
La date de la fete des peres
Either the ballet celebration or the ballet festival
La fete du citron is something.
"Quelle est la date de ta fete?" translates to "What is the date of your celebration?" in English.
La brume (fem.) is a dense fog. il fait brumeux means 'it's foggy outside'
Literally - So, it is the festival. Actually - All the fun of the fair.