Benvenuto a casa in the masculine and Benvenuta a casa in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Welcome home."Specifically, the masculine adjective benvenuto and the feminine benvenuta mean "welcome." The preposition ameans "to." The feminine noun casa means "house."The pronunciation is "BEHN-veh-NOO-toh ah KAH-zah" in the masculine and "BEHN-veh-NOO-tah KAH-zah" in the feminine.
Nudillo. noo-DEE-yoh.
Usually French pronounce Noo-York
in English we use the word "welcome" for all sorts of things (to welcome someone in, welcome!, you're welcome, etc), but in French it is a different word depending on the situation. "Bienvenue en France!" means welcome to France. you pronounce it "byehn-vuh-noo".Bienvenue en France [bee-ahn vah-noo ahn F-hran-ss]"bienvenue en France"Bienvenu en France !
"Toire ni ittemo ii desu ka?" (pronounced: toy-reh nee EET-teh-mo ee dess kah?)
I believe you mean no'o (there is no word 'noo'). No'o is thought or reflection.
Nous! Nous! is a French equivalent of the incomplete English phrase "We! We!" The exclamations also translate literally as "Us! Us!" in English. The pronunciation will be "noo noo" in French.
tite sa noo.
NOO!! Definately not!
Noo Noo's middle name is not specified in the television show "Teletubbies."
Noo noo noo noo noo. they are too smexy and delicate for that sort of use.
noo noo is very cool and i liked him lots when i was young
Nuda in the singular and nudo in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "nude." The choice depends upon the gender of the naked object or person. The respective pronunciations will be "NOO-da" in the feminine and "NOO-do" in the masculine in Italian.
"Nothing new!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Rien de nouveau! The prepositional phrase also translates as "No news!" in English. The pronunciation will be "ryad noo-vo" in northerly French and "ryeng duh noo-vo" in southerly French.
"Between us" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase entre nous. The prepositional phrase also translates as "among ourselves" or, more loosely, "(just) between you and me," according to English context. The pronunciation will be "awnt noo" in northerly French and "awn-truh noo" in southerly French.
were does noo noo live.noo noo is the pretties girl on earth to me i would realy like her to come to my bday june 29 im 10 too do da noo noo everybody. \ \
noo noo real name is alysia look on youtube