Brush and floss your teeth daily, and see your dentist regularly. If you get small cavities treated before they become too deep, you can avoid needing a root canal. Sometimes, though, the nerve in your tooth just dies and you need a root canal.
yes you can
It is possible to have more than one root canal treatment on a single tooth because some teeth do have two roots. The need for another root canal can occur within a few weeks of the original one or several years later
The pulp in teeth is the part which is taken out when you have "root canal therapy", it is the nerve and blood vessels. The pulp in teeth is the part which is taken out when you have "root canal therapy", it is the nerve and blood vessels.
The 'lump' by teeth in need of root canal therapy is technically called a parulis. When a tooth becomes infected, the infection needs a place to drain. Where the drainage surfaces in your mouth, it can form those hard bumps that resemble a pimple on your gum tissue.
No, but it is what most dentist's do, and it is better for your teeth.
No. Permanent teeth don't grow back.
Yes, teeth that have root canals frequently turn dark over time.