To keep frogs out of a hot tub, you can install a cover securely when the hot tub is not in use. You can also remove any attractants such as insects or algae from the area around the hot tub. Another option is to create barriers such as fences or nets to prevent frogs from entering the hot tub.
Hairspray is not a good way to get rid of frogs. Frogs are not deterred by hairspray. Using large quatities may kill a frog because of the chemicals in the spray but this may also be dangerous to a person applying the spray.
tree frogs do It depends what type of forest you mean. If you mean Rain Forest, yes. There are poisonous ones there and tree frogs also. Even in a regular forest there are bull frogs, regular frogs and toads. Hope this helps.
nope. sorry.
White frogs are typically albino frogs, while yellow frogs can be referred to as golden frogs or yellow morph frogs.
Well when frogs reproduce, they keep in mind that a lot of animals will eat tadpoles, so they respond by making more.
your in love
This means that you really like frogs.
i dont know what it means but i keep seeing the number 13 multiple times during the day as well
keep seeing him naked then
It means that you have a yeast infection.
From my knowledge, I'm pretty sure that the mucus that surrounds a frog's body helps to keep it moist when it is out of the water, seeing as a frog is an amphibious creature.
means someone is coming to visit from far away
That you still love him or are afraid of him
This is because frogs secrete a mucus which help keep their skin moist