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The bird was confused and ran into you or it was on a a suicide mission.

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon are a"sign", more often than not it is just the normal interaction of nature's creatures with us and our "things".

Most likely the bird was as stated above confused or startled, it may have thought the glass was not there due to its reflective qualities or it just may have been unlucky. Birds are really not mentally evolved enough to be despondent enough to try to do away with themselves. That said, however, if the type of bird is of personal significance to you personally, then you may take it as a sign to "watch where you are going"; "pay attention" or that there may be danger in your future.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as omens. In all likelihood the bird in your car got there by natural means, If your car was sitting with the windows down, the bird could have flown in, become confused by all the glass and died either by flying into a closed or stationary piece of glass of in the heat when it could not fine its way out. Alternately, a cat may have considered your car a nice quiet place to have its lunch, or was doing that "cat thing" by making a present of the bird to you.

If the bird was found in a closed car, there is a chance someone (most likely some random young person) thought it would be "funny" to put the body of a bird in someone's car and you where the "lucky one."

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14y ago

It means that you should close your car windows the next time you park! There is no need to look for supernatural meaning in ordinary events.

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13y ago

Nothing except the trajectory of the car and the bird crossed.

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13y ago

It means it did not see the glass

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11y ago

Means nothing

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3y ago

Good luck good luck

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4y ago

Don't know

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Q: What does it mean when a bird hits your car?
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Please what's the answer

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Uh.....NO?!? It just means that they are DEAD not you.

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Nothing at all or anything you want it to.

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