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The "baby" in this dream probably represents some sort of important idea, project or task that you have been trying to develop. The "dying" suggests that the project nearly collapsed but that you managed to salvage it.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream a baby dying but saved?
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What does it mean when you dream a baby dying and you saved?

The baby in this dream represents some part of your own life. Some area of your life was in danger of fading away or being lost, but you have made a decision or taken some action to "save" that part of yourself.

What it mean when you a dying baby in a caskit then come alive in a dream about?

The "baby" in this dream might represent an idea or project that seemed "dead" in the sense of having failed or having been canceled. The dream suggests that the project might be brought back into development.

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It represent that you will be saved from a problem.

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If someone has a dream about dying, this might mean that they are looking towards the end of something in their life. This might mean that they are facing the end of a journey.

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That you hate woman.

What does it mean if my friends baby is dying?

It actually has nothing at all to do with your friend's baby - but your friend. To see someone dying in your dream signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person.

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If you dream about dying, it probably means that you were consciously or subconsciously thinking about death.

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Dreaming of dying can mean a number of different things. In general it suggests the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another.

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The dream could mean very different things, depending on the specifics of the baby, the context in which the dream occurs, and the way you felt during the dream. For example, dreaming of finding a newborn baby boy in a dumpster would mean something very different from dreaming of that same baby in a lacy white bassinet. If you happen to have such a dream while pregnant, it might reflect your desire for a baby boy - and in that case the dream has exactly 50% chance of being true.

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You are going to save a baby elephant ............. i think what every you dream of its the opposite.

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it means that a eagle is dying and talking to you at the same might sound weird but sometimes it happens,(in dreams.)