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They fell comfortable around you. Or they like you... Or your just the only person who hasn't said "shut up". It really just depends on the person.

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13y ago

..He.. likes to.. talk ?

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Q: What does it mean when someone likes to talk to you a lot?
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What do you call a person that likes to talk a lot?

One name for someone who likes to talk a lot is "chatterbox". An adjective for someone who likes to talk a lot would be "gossipy".

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A social butterfly means when someone likes to talk a lot a not be as shy in a bad way.

If he and I talk a lot does that mean he likes me?

It means that he sort of likes you but is trying to decide between you and another girl.

What does it mean if guys talk about you a lot?

Somtimes it means that he likes u or he is just being mean

How can someone know if a person likes you?

The person will act different around you, maybe shy or talk a lot or bug you. Their characteristics become oddly distinctive and you can tell that someone likes you.

How do you know when your friend likes someone?

They'll start flirting with this person and they will most likely talk about this person a lot.

What does it mean if a boy wants to sit by you a lot?

Well, it depends. Does he like you? If he does, that's probably why. If he doesn't, he either needs to talk with you, likes your company, or just likes you as a friend and wants you to stay with him.

What does it mean when you talk about a guy a lot too a friend?

It probably means that they talk a lot about a guy to their friend. Maybe they want to talk about someone. maybe someone's actions amuse them. Please check your spelling and grammar before posting a question. It should read as follows: "What does it mean when you talk a lot about a guy to a friend?"

What does Chize mean?

Chize means someone who mooches a lot or it can mean to talk a girl up.

When you talk the guy he gets red and laughs does it mean he likes me?

If any guy does that and you notice it a lot it so means he likes you but don't scare him off

What does mamon mean in spanish?

This means someone who likes to perform oral sex on men a lot.

What does talk a blue streak mean?

It is a slang way of saying that someone's talking a lot and not letting anyone else talk.