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it means she wants your attention slightly but not all of it

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he is anoying you or he likes you.

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Q: What does it mean when a girl taps you on your shoulder and then pretends she didn't do it?
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What does it mean when a girl tries to touch your shoulder?

It means she is into you.

What does it mean when a guy taps you on your shoulder and then pretends he didn't do it?

It could mean he's flirting with you. This guy always tapped me on the shoulder and then pretended he didn't do it and later on, I found out he had a crush on me. If he doesn't like you, sometimes boys do that for attention.

What word mean pretends to be ill?

Pretends to be ill is when a person is acting as if he/she is ill but actually the person is not ill.

What does it mean when you hand a girl a note and when she leaves for class she throws it away?

i'm a girl it means hat what ever what was on that note she didnt like it or if it was a love note she didnt like you sorry dude

What does it mean when a shy girl points her shoulder toward her crush when talking to someone else?

she flirts

When a young female pretends to be mean to a guy what does that mean?

She's flirting

Would a girl rest her head on anyone's shoulder even on a guy not that close to her does it mean she might have feelings for that guy if she did?

I think it depends on the girl. Personally, I wouldn't do it. Only on my boyfriend's or extremely close friend's shoulder but otherwise no. But again, it depends on the girl.

Can a girl be mean to you because you didnt ask her out and why?

No probably not she would flirt with you and show you she wants you to ask her out

If a girl laughs at you for no reason and pokes you on the shoulder when your working what does it mean?

It doesn't really mean anything and I wouldn't read too much into it.

This girl said that she would be bored if you didnt ride the bus anymore could this mean she likes you?

It can but it can also mean that she likes to talk to you

This girl I like put her head on my shoulder at an all night event at my school does that mean she like me?

Yes ask her out

What does it mean when a girl puts her elbow on your shoulder in middle school?

When a person put their elbow in your shoulder they're calling you a dick , don't let anyone put they're elbow on your shoulders