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This is the practice of choosing a running mate based on specific ideology, geography, race, gender, or other characteristics in order to strengthen one's own chance of being elected.

Chapter 13, from my High school Senior American Government book

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15y ago
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13y ago

when a presidential candidate chooses a running mate who can strengthen his chance of being elected by virtue of certain ideological, geographic, racial, ethnic, gender,or other characteristics.

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10y ago

In United States politics, balancing the ticket is when a political candidate chooses a running mate, usually of the same party, with the goal of bringing more widespread appeal to the campaign. It is most prominently used to describe the selection of the U.S. Vice Presidential candidate.

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16y ago

what is the purpose of balancing of the ticket

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That's frequently how it works. The idea behind a balanced ticket is to persuade more voters.

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Well, darling, the letters FFN on a Colorado lottery scratch ticket simply mean "Final Four Numbers." It's just a fancy way of saying those are the last four digits you need to check to see if you've won anything. So, go ahead and scratch away, but don't get your hopes up too high - those odds aren't exactly in your favor, honey.

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This means that the holder of the ticket has the right to enter the area to see the show. It could also mean that the ticket holder has the right to get something from the concession (snack) stand.

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