This is called Appeasement. It means giving into commands in order to avoid a fight from someone of higher rank.
that is not a complete sentence do you mean what the conflict around hitlers daughter or the conflict for hitlers daughter ?
Peace does not mean the total absence of conflict but the capacity to put conflict indicators or conflict situations under control without distablizing the system
Showing no mercy and not giving up on something.
Depends what you mean by war. There is always conflict somewhere in the world. Examples are the Colombian conflict, the Afghan and Somali wars. Iraq and Pakistan. The Mexican drug war. The Sudanese conflict and problems in Yemen and Syria
"Don't fire unless fired upon" means to avoid initiating aggression or violence and to only respond if attacked. "But if they mean to have war, let it begin" implies that if the other party has intentions of starting a conflict, then one should not hesitate to engage in war. It suggests a willingness to defend oneself if necessary but a preference for peaceful resolutions.
To appease someone means to calm or satisfy them by giving in to their demands or requests in order to avoid conflict or negative consequences. This can involve making concessions or showing goodwill to resolve a disagreement or a dispute.
To appease - to avoid conflict by giving in to the other side's demands, grievances. Note that since 1940 this word, together with appeasement, has had a very negative sense indeed and has come to mean to give in to unreasonable demands made by a dictator. The policy of appeasing is associated above all with Neville Chamberlain and the Munich Agreement of Spetember 1938.
appeasement is giving in to the demands of a leader in order to satisfy their short term goals and avoid conflict. In WWII British PM Chamberlain allowed Hitler to annex the outer borders of Czechoslovakia in order to avoid a war. The outer border was the Czech's first line of defense, and Hitler was able to defeat the country easily after that.
Conflict mean what's the problem in the Reading or any king of problem
Conflict mean what's the problem in the Reading or any king of problem
Major conflict means the biggest problem.
it means giving head.
White lies are minor lies told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to avoid conflict. They are considered harmless and are often told with good intentions.
They think you have potential. If they are not very good with giving compliments, or really don't like giving them, they are likely to use such a phrase. They may also want to avoid giving you any sort of complex about being really good, as that sort of attitude is contrary to good training.
that is not a complete sentence do you mean what the conflict around hitlers daughter or the conflict for hitlers daughter ?
Conflict within a society. As opposed to inter-society conflict which is between societies.