A pending disposition in legal terms means that no decision has been reached yet. When someone is arrested and they have a pending disposition, it means that it has not yet been determined whether they have actually committed a crime or not.
oh it means to be a gangster
'To take the bitter with the sweet' is a reminder that life is full of inequities, usually used when someone has had something bad happen, 'the bitter'; and the 'sweet', hopefully, will come soon.
Larcenous means thievishness, dishonesty or a disposition to steal.
I believe that this person translated that phrase from french into english. "Je suis a votre disposition" (french) means I am available to help you/ assist you .
Sweet Disposition was created on 2008-09-16.
what does the disposition held mean
The natural sugars that are in it, or perhaps it's pleasant disposition.
A disposition is a person's inherent qualities of mind and character. Examples of disposition are sweet, aloof, shy, outgoing, upbeat, happy.
A "sunny disposition" refers to someone who consistently exhibits a cheerful, optimistic, and positive attitude towards life and its challenges. This person is often described as being upbeat, friendly, and generally pleasant to be around. The term "sunny" implies a brightness and warmth in their demeanor, much like a sunny day brings light and joy.
"Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap.
that your nice
either dog days are over or it's sweet disposition. no sweet disposition is in the coke commercial. i think. ahhh one of those
A pending disposition in legal terms means that no decision has been reached yet. When someone is arrested and they have a pending disposition, it means that it has not yet been determined whether they have actually committed a crime or not.
Sweet disposition
Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap.