Igualmente means... "I feel the same for you" -Nice to meet you -Igualmente (nice to meet you too) Adios means Bye
Igualmente means the same, te amo means i love you. Te amo igualmente is saying i love you just as much or the same.
igualmente means likewise in spanish
Same here, likewise.
Adios is the Spanish word for good-bye.
The word is "igualmente" and it means "same here" or "equally".
ciao (igualmente 'hola' y 'adios') ( se pronuncia 'chAu')
Igualmente means the same, te amo means i love you. Te amo igualmente is saying i love you just as much or the same.
Adios means goodbye in Spanish.
igualmente means likewise in spanish
Same here, likewise.
Adios is the Spanish word for good-bye.
Well, adios muchachos would mean see ya, boys. Are you sure it wasn't that?
You can reply to "igualmente" by saying "Igualmente" back, as it means "likewise" or "same to you" in Spanish.
The word is "igualmente" and it means "same here" or "equally".
Igualmente means, "Same here." You use this when you are either: 1.) Introducing yourself for the first time and you are asking someone how they are doing. You can reply, "Igualmente," which would mean, "Same here, I'm feeling the same way, or Equal." OR 2.) You are just being casual with a friend.
Equally my *armor* * I don't know of armor as a Spanish word, perhaps you meant 'amor', which is love. Equally my love : Igualmente mi amor
It means: Same here, my pretty little daughter.