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It means that the horse has barely been ridden at all. While it varries from place to place, it normally means the horse has been saddled, bridled, and ridden a few times. It needs alot more training and riding before it can be considered a safe reliable mount. These horses are not ideal for begginers.

it means that the horse is not fully trained. this horse is NOT SAFE for children. this kind of horse is for expirenced riders ONLY

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Green broke means the horse has very little experience under saddle (or being ridden). To put it more plainly the horse has just started to be ridden with a rider. Most green broke horses need experienced riders to further their training and to build their confidence.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

GREEN BROKE: when a horse is haulter trained but you cant get a saddle on them

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What is green broke mean?

it is in reference to horses

What does green broke mean?

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No, I have never heard of green apples poisoning horses

What does green broken mean with horses?

It means they were only recently trained to be ridden and don't know much yet.

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Yes. This is a good feed for horses. Although it is no match for good green grass. Horses do well on all sorts of fodder but love the green grass.

What are 'Killer Buyers'?

Killer buyers are men and women who are usually extremely knowledgeable, lifelong horsemen. Killer buyers are generally men and women who buy, sell and trade horses who are also contracted or independent agents for slaughter houses. They attend auctions and travel all over the US. As horses exchange hands they are sorted by, broke and unbroke, young and old, sick or injured and healthy. The broke horses are ridden to ensure they are safe and then typically sold to owners who will provide quality care for the horses. Unbroke horses are checked for extreme bad habits and ability to be broke. Those that can be, are broke correctly and then sold as other broke horses are. Young horses with potential and that are sound are scheduled to be broke when they come of age. Middle aged horses tend to be broke and those that are unbroke and too old to be broke (Typically a horse 5 years of age or older) are often sold to rodeo stock contractors to be used in their bucking strings. Sick and injured horses are evaluated to determine if they can be saved. Generally, a few good months of care and most horses will rebound, easily. It is a lot more common to rehabilitate a horse than to need to put it down. Those that are too far gone are put out of their misery at slaughter houses. It is also possible that a horse in any of these groups is found to be unsound. This is a problem because they are unsafe to be ridden. These horses also end up at slaughter houses.

What did Andy Green do?

He broke the land speed record

When talking about a horse what does green mean?

It means the horse is barely saddle broke. It's meaning can range from its had a saddle on it, but no rider, to its had a rider a few times.