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Lactate (also known as lactic acid) and NAD+

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Lactic Acid

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lactic acid

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Lactic acid

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lactic acid

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Q: One type of fermentation in muscle cells produces?
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What type of fermentation releases energy from the muscle cells?

Lactic acid

What type of cell carries out lactic acid fermentation in humans?

muscle cells

What is the name of the fermentation used by muscle cells?

The type of fermentation that sometimes occurs in human muscle cells is Lactic Acid fermentation.

What type of fermentation produces beer and wine?

Alcoholic Fermentation

What is the type of fermentation used by human muscles in low oxygen conditions?

Human muscle cells undergo lactic acid fermentation in low oxygen conditions.

Which type of fermentation sometimes occurs in humans?

Lactic acid fermentation is a type of fermentation that sometimes occurs in humans. This process occurs in muscle cells when the oxygen supply is limited during intense exercise, leading to the production of lactic acid as a byproduct.

Which type of fermentation produces ethanol?


What happens when your muscles cells run out of oxygen?

When muscle cells run out of oxygen, they switch to anaerobic metabolism, producing lactic acid as a byproduct. This can lead to muscle fatigue, cramping, and discomfort. If oxygen deprivation continues, it can eventually result in muscle cell damage and impaired function.

Lactic acid fermentation is what type of process?

Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process. This means that lactic acid is produced in the absence of oxygen. This usually occur in bacteria cells but can also occur in muscle cells.

What type of fermentation causes muscle cramps?

It's not a type, it's a outcome of fermentation. A.K.A. a waste product

Which type of fermentation is occurs in muscle cell?


What type of nerve stimulates muscle cells to contract?

Somatic type of nerves stimulate the muscle cells to contract.