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Q: What does body attachment mean in arrest terms?
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How do you get rid of a Writ of Attachment?

what dose wrt of attachment mean A "Writ. of Attachment" is a type of warrant for arrest". You get rid of one by being arrested and taking care of whatever obligation you should have done before.

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It means a patient has gone into cardiac arrest.

What does Writ of Bodily Attachment child support mean?

A writ of body attachment is like a warrant, where it allows the sheriff to arrest you and bring you before the court to explain why you have not showed up to a prior hearing or proceeding. Often, there is a bond requirement that must be paid before being released if you are arrested on a writ of body attachment. These usually occur after failure to pay child support or failure to attend a motion to show cause. See this Illinois rule for an example:

What does recall body attachment mean in civil case?

Recall of a body attachment in a civil case refers to the court order to take a person into custody for failing to comply with a court judgment or order. It is typically used to compel the individual's appearance before the court to address the non-compliance issue. Once apprehended, the individual may remain in custody until they comply with the court's directive or satisfy the underlying judgment.

What does it mean by terms of sales?

Sale your body for sex and you will get more money if you have a nice body

Near or closer to the point of attachment?

You mean the proximal point of attachment.

Can man exist without a body?

It depends what terms you mean. in spiritual terms, yes, I believe there is an afterlife. In scientific terms, frankly, no.

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what does evading arrest mean

The meaning of attachment?

An attachment can be two things. One kind of attachment is something that can be added to a device, for instance a vacuum attachment tube. Attachment can also mean a special connection, as in "He had an attachment to his favorite horse".

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What attachment is on the bone that moves?

Insertion is the attachment on the bone that moves

What does emotional attachment mean?

Emotional attachment is when you are very close with someone because of your feelings. A mother has an emotional attachment to her children because she loves them. Love is an emotion (a feeling) and an emotional attachment is based on that feelings.