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It is the insider trading code phrase between Michael Douglas and Charleen Sheen in the original Wall Street (1987)

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Q: What does blue horseshoe loves Anacott Steel mean?
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If blue horseshoe loves Anacott Steel then Gordon Gekko is?

In prison

Are horseshoe crabs a problem?

no! horseshoe crabs have blue blood wich helps people. horseshoe crabs are colected then blood is taken from them then returned to the water.

What are the blue horseshoe ecstasy pills cut with?


What color is a horse shoe crabs blood?

Horseshoe crab's blood is blue.

Is there any creature that has blood color other than red?

The Horseshoe crab has blue blood.

Perhaps it's because they are so aristocratic what color is a horseshoe crab's blood?

Blue. it is used to treat diseases like leukemia.

Do horseshoe crabs swim?

No horseshoe crabs don't swim they crawl in the water.

What teams logo is a blue horse shoe?

As far as professional sports teams in the United States, the Indianapolis Colts have a blue horseshoe logo.

Who loves blue?

Me!Alexandra Atanasoski

What is SNSD Yuri's Favourite Color?

She loves blue colour

What does blue whale loves to eat?

Blue whales love Krill

What is the blue steel on a 1984 model 1895 browning lever action rifle mean?

Steel treated to have blue color