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It can be two things. One is the minty clean feeling after brushing your teeth. The other is when someone is being 'overly familiar' with someone they should be respectful towards. This would be like asking your principal, "Hey Mike, how's the old lady?" instead of "Mr. Johnson, is your wife feeling any better?"

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14y ago

Within the confines of normal North American culture, specifically within the generation between 35-65 years of age, "being fresh" means being insubordinate, disrespectful, or to be misbehaving.

Often it is used by elders towards their disobedient children. However, between a man and a woman, it often indicates the same thing as "forward flirting". That is, someone who is "being fresh" is impolitely making their sexual interest known. This specific sense is usually used in the context of a man hitting on a woman.

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