Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
Astronomy is about studying the night sky, so that would include the moon, planets and of course, stars.
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the ancients were interested it the celestial bodies ever since the garden of eden
Because the ancient people needed a way to tell the time of day, the day of the month, and they needed a way to tell when it was the right time to plant their crops.
Astronomy is a science, and probably the most ancient of all. The pursuit of astronomy links in with many other branches of science, such as physics. Knowledge gained through astronomy has helped in the study of things like gravity and relativity. Many scientists were astronomers and used it in part of their study of other sciences.
It is important to study astronomy because it is a "big" subject. It's essentially the study of the universe and the workings of all its parts, both individually and collectively. We live in the "reality" of the universe, and by understanding it better, we might be able to know how it began, how it is evolving, and where it is going to end up.
We're bright creatures living on a small ball of watered down rock that orbits a "regular" star in a moderate sized galaxy. There are some 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, and some 50 to 100 billion other galaxies in the observableuniverse. How did all this stuff get here? What is it doing? What all is out there? Is there any other life like us? Any other life at all?
Closer to home we wonder about how the moon was captured by the earth, how the planets formed and what is it about them that makes them appear and act like they do. Even the moons of these planets are amazing places to visit. Solar orbiting bits and pieces of rock, or balls of ice are also part of our solar system, as are bands of debris, some as large as moons. And what lies outside the orbits of the outer planets and dwarf planets yet within the sway of the gravity of our sun?
Our sun is gigantic nuclear fusion engine, and most all stars are as well. How do they work? What similarities and differences can we observe in them? Are there any planetary systems around them? Any like ours? The questions pile up as man, driven by the "curiosity gene" welded into his DNA, tries to get a handle on all of it. As we peer deeper in the ultimate nature of the particles that make up the atom, we also look deeper into space in an attempt to enlarge our understanding of the depth and breadth of spacetime and all the constructs in it.
Why is it important to study astronomy? Why wouldn't we study it? We wouldn't miss it for the world.
because it is baliww!
This is an incomplete and nonsensical question. Just what do you mean by "IT"? I can only guess. If your question is, "How is Astrology different from astronomy?" That's simple, astrology is not a science. First, get a dictionary and look up the word "SCIENCE." Astrology is nothing more then grasping for straws, the practice of witchcraft and magic. Only children believe in magic. Astronomy, (my hobby) is REAL SCIENCE. It's the study and observation of the UNIVERSE whereas REAL and POSITIVE results can be achieved and KNOWLEDGE can be gained.
Todayman is facing questions like how did everything come into existence, how big is the universe, will this ever end, are there any other planets like earth, are there other living things in the universe, etc. Modern astronomy is used to try to answer these questions and satisfy human curiosity.
Astronomy is important to help study the universe. Without astronomy we'd be clueless of where we live maybe even who we are! If you like Video Games or movies, without astronomy Star Wars would be gone. To me, and maybe to you astronomy is important. You may not know it, but it effects our lives greatly.
<<>> It's a logical extension of looking out the window.
Astronomy is important to me because it gives us an idea of what is going on beyond earth, beyond our solar system, and even beyond our Milky Way. It helps us to know if there is somewhere else we can go if earth becomes too dangerous for us to live on.
Humans as may (DUH!!) know live on earth. Since the discovery of other planets and galaxies have built the curiosity of human and lead us to discover more about life beyond earth. We have found many other planets and galaxies beyond ours. And why is it important? We know there is a possibility of life beyond earth so why not find out?? Hope it helped.
Astronomy is a specialised branch of Science. Astrology, however, while a study of the stars, is not a branch of science.
stars and rockes
Between or among the stars; as, interstellar space.
Landing on the moon requires input from almost every single area of science. From biology (keeping the crew alive) to engineering (building the space craft) to rocketry and physics, materials science, food science, piloting, geology, computer science, radio and telemetry sciences, the list goes on and on. There is no one science behind landing on the moon.
The celestial sphere is divided up into regions, each of which is a constellation with a name like Orion, Lacerta or Andromeda. Every direction in space belongs in a constellation, for example Polaris is in Ursa Minor and Sirius is in Canis Major. Most laypeople use the word constellation to mean a pattern of stars, but technically the proper word for that is "asterism." Most constellations have at least one famous asterism in them (the one with the same name as the constellation itself), but the constellation includes ALL the stars in that part of the sky, even those that are too faint to see, while the asterism is just the brightest stars.
she went into space because she was studying a science program and went up to space to test it out :)