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Do you mean, one dot above two dots? If that's what you intended, it means "therefore." I don't think ever seen two dots above one dot...

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An 'ä' [æ] is an alphabet in certain languages like Finnish, Swedish, and Estonian.

As in "Äiti" [æiti] (meaning mother in Finnish)

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Q: What does an a with two dots over it mean?
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Why does a bass clef follow by two dots?

The dots denote the "F" line.

What does Tiesto with 2 horizontal dots above letter e mean?

I think they are supposed to e-bombs, since you usually need two these days.

Why does Mötley Crüe have dots over the o and u?

The umlats are mere decoration, nothing more.

What is The sign placed on a music staff to indicate placement of the f below middle c?

That would be the bass clef. There is a curved shape with two dots next to it: the dots are on either side of whichever line is designated as F.

Which fret is the 15th fret on electric guitar?

Frets counted from the head towards the body. Count the position between the 1st fret and the nut (nearest to the head) as fret #1 if it is to be played. The 15th fret is the single dot after the fret with two dots. On the stratocaster fretboard, you will find a single dot at frets 3, 5, 7, 9, two dots at fret 12 and single dots at frets 15, 17, 19 and 21.

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Two dots over a vowel?


What are the two dots above a word?

The two dots above a letter, you mean, would be called a diaeresis and/or an umlaut.

What does the medical symbol dot over T mean?

Depending on how it is used, a dot over a "T", used in a prescription order, could mean 1, such as 1 tablet/pill.... 1 time daily.

How do you write the number 10 through 100 in the Mayan system?

10 is two lines 11 is one dot over two lines 12 is two dots over two lines etc... 20 is one dot over a shell. 21 is one dot over one dot 22 is one dot over two dots etc... 39 is one dot over four dots over three lines 40 is two dots over a shell 41 is two dots over one dot 42 is two dots over two dots etc... 60 is three dots over a shell etc... 80 is four dots over a shell etc... 100 is a line over a shell The Mayan number system is a base-20 system. A dot is 1, a line is 5, and up to 19 you can write in one "digit". As soon as the number increases over 20, it goes up into the second "digit" and you stack a dot (this time multiplied by 20) over a shell shape (worth zero). It's just like our number system, except our number system uses a base-10 system.

What does it mean when a vowel has 2 dots over it?

When a vowel has two dots over it (diaeresis), it indicates that the vowel is to be pronounced as a separate syllable rather than combined with the previous vowel. This is common in some languages, like German and Dutch, to show that the two vowels should be pronounced individually.

What word would the dictionary pronunciation star be if the a had two dots over it?

I think the two dots are an umlaut. In that cas it is pronunced as if there were an e after the a. 'Staer'

What is the 2 dots over a vowel called?

Two dots over a vowel is normally called a dieresis. There is a special case of the dieresis in German where the two dots cause the vowel to change (sound and meaning): this special case is called umlaut.

What does the symbol three dots over triple t mean in a prescription mean?


What does two dots above the letter of your name mean?

It is an accent such as FARAAD

What does a capital A with two dots over it mean in a news article?

A capital A with two dots over it is typically used in news articles to indicate that the information was based on anonymous sources or is unverified. This is a common journalistic practice to protect the identity of sources or to denote that the information has not been independently confirmed.

What does it mean when you have two dots directly over ONE number in math for example the number 07 with two small dots over the 0?

If there is one dot over the 0 and one over the 7 then it indicates a recurring decimal. for example 6.07 with a dot over the 0 and 7 would be 6.07070707... It the two dotted numbers are further apart, the the sequence between them is repeated. For example, 6.01237 with a dot over the 0 and 7 is 6.012370123701237... But I have yet to come across a double dot over ONE number.

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what does it mean when you have white dots on your virgina