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An NHL hockey net weights over 125 pounds.

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15y ago

If you want a REAL one for home use and and not a cheap TOY one, go to They have ones from $200 to $600.

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13y ago

It depends on what kind you get!

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Q: What does an NHL hockey net weigh?
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What size hockey net should be used by a 10 year old?

NHL size. NHL size 7 and up

Is the shot that goes into the net for a goal counted as a shot on the shot clock in a nhl hockey game?

Yes, it is!

When did NHL Hockey happen?

NHL Hockey happened in 1991.

Does Colorado have an NHL hockey team?

yes there is a NHL hockey team and the team is called The Colarado Avalanche

What is the difference between an NHL standard net and an International size net?

there is no difference in net sizes for any ice hockey game they are all 4 ft high and 6 ft long

What is a NHL jerseys?

nhl jersey is as same as hockey jersey.Nhl means National Hockey League.

When did NHL Eastside Hockey Manager happen?

NHL Eastside Hockey Manager happened in 2004.

What is NHL in French?

The National Hockey League (NHL) in French is League Nationale de Hockey (LNH).

What is the life span of a hockey puck in the NHL?

The average lifespan of an NHL hockey puck is 7 minutes.

How much does a NHL puck weigh?

A standard Ice Hockey puck weighs between 5.5 and 6 ounces (156-170 g).

How do you get to the NHL?

You get good at hockey !

What was the NHL originally called?

National Hockey League "NHL"