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It means its either a promo card or its just a rare card.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

The white star at the bottom of a Pokemon card indicates that the card is a rare card. These cards typically have more unique artwork, different holofoil patterns, or alternate versions of Pokemon compared to common cards.

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Q: What does a white star at the bottom of a Pokemon card mean?
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What does it mean if their is a star at the bottom of your Pokemon card?

it mens it is rar

What does a star at the bottom of a Pokemon card mean?

it mens that it is rare but if it has a dimond than its a uncommon and if it has a circle than its common

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No. Level X is a Trading Card Game thing. It's not in the games. Unless you mean level 24, in which case, sure.

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I think you mean a poke ball ( po-key ball.) It is a ball-shaped catching device used for catching Pokemon in the Pokemon show series, Pokemon games, and there is probably a trading card for it. It is the most original ball of Pokemon, but it has the smallest catch rate, ( it as actually not that bad if you are good at at catching Pokemon. it is red on the top, white on the bottom, has a black stripe through the middle, and the middle is white. If you would like to know more about poke balls I'd search poke balls on the Internet ( sorry I forgot how to make a link.)

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a dinosuar

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I think you mean Electivire. Unfortunately, there are no trainer with an Electivire in Pokemon White. There is only one in Pokemon Black which is in Black City but Black City is not in Pokemon White.

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Do You mean pokemon black and white, well in pokemon black there is reshiram and in pokemon white there is zekrom confusing but tht's how it is