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There are a couple of explanations for this one: One explanation says it originated in medieval times when physicians thought that the secretions of a frog could help heal a sore throat. A live frog head was put into the patient's mouth, and the frog was believed to draw out the infection into its own body when it inhaled. Another explanation is that years ago, people drank directly from ponds and streams, meaning there was always the fear that one could ingest an actual frog or frogspawn. It is believed that once the eggs hatched, one would experience a choking feeling when the young froglets were ready to come out. In the olden days, a travelling medicine merchant (i.e. quack) might have an assistant with a terrible cough (frog in the throat). As he administered a particular medicine supposed to cure all ills, the assistant would pretend to cough up a live frog, and then be pronounced cured.

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8y ago

It is an idiom that refers to the feeling that your throat is scratchy and slimy when you have a cold or sore throat. It feels like you have something slimy scratching away -- so people said it was a frog.
It's when you can hear in their voice that someone needs to cough, their voice goes "croaky."
It means that, due to some phlegm in your throat, the sounds emanating from your voice box don't sound like they normally would, but rather that you sound like a frog is croaking when you speak.
usually means that you feel like something is stuck in your throat which makes you need to keep clearing your throat or drink water etc

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Q: How did the phrase 'a frog in your throat' originate?
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What type of phrase is you've got a frog in your throat?

Medieval physicians believed that the secretions of a frog could cure a cough if they were coated on the throat of the patient. The frog was placed in the mouth of the sufferer and remained there until the physician decided that the treatment was complete.

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Can frog trap air on their throat?

A frog certainly can trap air in their throat. This is a necessary skill that the frog has developed as a creature that lives both in and out of water.

Where did Frog music originate from?

Frog came from Bali in Asia.

What is Frog in throat and white spots at back of throat?

Hi, I think white spots at the back of your throat is tonsilitis, but I am not sure of it. Don't know the answer to "frog in throat" I have heard of it, But not sure what it is. sorry x :)

She has a frog in her throat?

That means she is having trouble putting into words what she wants to say. In British English this idiom means that someone is losing their voice because they have a problem with their throat.

How do you use the word frog in sentence?

He had a frog in his throat. The frog croaked at the edge of the pond.

What kind of frog has a yellow throat?

The golden-eyed tree frog, also known as the red-eyed tree frog, has a distinctive yellow throat. This species is native to tropical regions in Central America.

What is a thorax on a frog?

On the neck area of the underbelly of the frog. like were you would expect the chin or throat to be.

How do frogs get oxygen?

the frog's throat pulls air through the nostrils and into the mouth, down the throat, and into the lungs which makes the body expand, and when the frog exhales, the body contracts.