A cross under da right eye means....Death is always around u....and all u can see is death.....it doesn't mean u killed anyone......
you lost a loved one ?
The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.
A cross tattoo on the wrist means that you are a Christian A cross ANYWHERE on a person, does Not always mean they are Christian! Some use/wear it as just another piece of jewlery.
This is traditionally a religeous symbol as the cross tipically represents christ.
Well it can mean that your in love with demons
killed 5 people
that the wearer worships Satan
Butterfly tattoos do not have a specific meaning. The individual may have gotten this tattoo to represent a lost family member or because they just wanted it.
Umm, probably that you love Jesus. What else would it mean?
She said in an interview that it does not mean anything. It marks a new beginning in her life.
it means that you worship satan.