ROM = Read Only Memory. Though a CD-R can be written to, generally, it's only once. Then the CD can only be read and being a form of memory, can be called ROM or CDROM when applied to a CD. All music CDs are basically ROM. Even an LP record could be considered a form of ROM as its content cannot be changed. But in general, ROM refers to electronic devices. Any memory device which can only be read from, and not written to and thus altering it's content would be considered ROM. Computers also have several other uses for ROM. The computer's BIOS is stored in ROM. Most peripherals like CD drives, hard drives, and video cards also have microprocessors which need software to run. ROM is what they store their software needed to operate. One variant is called Flash memory or FlashRAM. This is a special type of memory which can be written to and changed, but otherwise remembers its contents and acts like ROM unless its contents need to be changed. In strict terms, ROM cannot have it's contents changed and can only have data read from and is thus a form of permament storage. CD ROM = Compact Disc Read Only Memory.
cdrom is static rom
Nope... the data on a DVD-ROM is packed much tighter. A CD-ROM cannot read DVD's but a DVD-ROM can read CD's
Compact disc - Read only memory
Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
To read CD-ROM's, the technology in a CD-ROM drive is an optical disc drive (ODD). It typically utilizes light to retrieve information on a disc.
The storage capacity of a CD-ROM is:In megabytes(mb):700In bytes(b) :734003200In gigabytes(gb):0.68359375
CDFS CD Rom File System is relatively simple format defined as the read only formatting standards for cdrom media.
cd-rom stand for Compact Disk - Read Only memory
Read only memory
cd-rom means where hsert our disk
CDROM drives do not get infected with virus. May be there is a driver problem. You can first run one of the free anti-virus like AVG and enable your CD ROM drive if you want to reinstall OS from a CD/DVD. - Neeraj Sharma
"CD" = "Compact Disk" , "ROM" = "Read Only Memory".