what is meaning of primery phone
Primary is land line Secondary is mobile
It means Primary Phone. The main contact phone number for that person.
Phone passby. It is nearest contact number, but not self owned.
The primary phone number for Things Remembered is 866-902-4438. You can call this number to make any complaints about products or delivery. You can also reach them by e-mail.
It means this mobile number is no longer in service.
In a database a primary key is a unique value, meaning that it cannot be repeated. It is also mandatory, so it cannot be left blank. Something like a product code, an ISBN number, a student number, an employee number etc. would be primary keys.
Primary skill
It defines whether your phone number will be displayed on someone's caller ID unit when you call them. Select 'no' if you wish your number to remain private.
You can verify your account with alternate email ID. The phone is the primary method of verifying. Even it can use captcha to verify your account.
No one knows that in less there really smart
On a caller ID feature on a phone, "incoming private number" means you are receiving a phone call from a number that has been listed as private, meaning the name of the person owning that number has been blocked from your caller ID list.