"Vende" means "to sell" in English.
It means 'Maximum Dry' in English
"La vendeuse" (fem.) is "the sales clerk" or "the seller" in English. The masculine noun is "le vendeur".
Literally, "market." As best I can figure, this means both a market in the sense we use it of supply and demand and the overall economy, as well as the open-air markets common in Spanish-speaking places.
"où allons-nous trainer" means "where are we going to loiter / to wander?"
(nous) allons means '(we) are going. (Nous) allions means (we) went.
Let's go.
"Don't stop now, we will keep him / keep it going"
"Nous sommes" means "we are" in English.
to go is aller but you musy form the imperitive. ie nous allons, cross off ons and addaions. I think!!
It is "Can We "
"(ne) sommes-nous pas" means "aren't we ..." in English. This is a question form from "nous ne sommes pas ..." (we are not ...)
We are pretty.
us first
'on' may be anyone. It could be translated 'one' in English. 'on dit que la grippe est mauvaise cette année' (one says the flu is nasty that year) The verb following 'on' is written in the third person singular, the same form we use for 'il, elle'. 'nous' is translated 'we' in English. The people in 'nous' can be identified. 'nous allons au cinéma' (we're going to the movie) BUT: we sometimes use 'on', informally to mean 'we' 'on va au cinéma ?' (do we go to the movie?)
'nous mettons' is 'we put' in French. Nous mettons nos habits means we are putting up our clothes.