In melius mutari means "upon better change". The word 'upon' may have a better or more appropriate translation based upon the context in which the latin phrase is used. -jt
Melius-Bentley House was created in 1717.
Péter Melius Juhász died in 1572.
Péter Melius Juhász was born in 1536.
F. Melius Christiansen was born in 1871.
F. Melius Christiansen died in 1955.
The motto of King's Inns is 'Nolumus Mutari'.
melius cantor (latin)
melius videre latin for look better.
"Better" in Latin is melior (masculine/feminine adjective) or melius (neuter adjective, adverb).A better man: vir meliorA better woman: femina meliorA better animal: animal meliusTo speak better: melius loqui
Bonum tibi est = "It is good for you" Melius tibi est = "It is better for you" Optimum tibi est = "It is the best for you"
The cast of The Animal Band - 2003 includes: Rina Melius as Katy Dan Schafer as Stripes
Si tenes Tigris caudam eius nonne melius consilium habent dentes.