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A blood test for sugar inside the red blood cell. It is ued to check for compliance of diabetic patients instead of a fasting blood sugar. It is a very specific test so a lot better than the fasting blood sugar. It is a test for blood sugar inside the red blood cell. It is used for the diabetic patient to check for insulin/diet/drug compliance.

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14y ago

Hgb A1C is the short form for Hemoglobin A1c. This test is designed to give you an estimate of your average blood sugars over the previous three months period. This test helps your doctor to monitor the overall blood glucose control in a diabetic patient. Doctors make treatment decisions about your Diabetes based on this number. If your Hgb A1c is less than 6, your diabetes is considered very well controlled. Between 6 and 7 is OK, 7 to 8 needs improvement, 8 to 9 is not very good, 9 to 10 is bad, 10 to 11 will need a lot of work, 11 to 12 is very bad, anything above 12 is really dangerous for your health. Do not confuse Hgb A1c with Hg. Hg or hemoglobin is a measurement of the red oxygen carrying component of your blood. Levels of Hg is used to test for and measure the severity of anemia. Hgb A1c is diffenet and is designed to detect your average blood sugars. Blood sugars cause some chemical changes to your hemoglobin (Hg) that are present on your Red Blood Cells (RBC). The higher the sugar levels, more RBCs will be affected by the change. Hgb A1c measure the percentage of Hg in blood with that change. The higher percentage correspond with higher blood sugars. This is how Hg and Hgb A1c are related.

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14y ago

Its when the doctors have a needle and your arm.

They clean your arm, and then take the needle stick it in you and take blood.. to see what your blood level is doing... especially for diabetes....... Like Nick Jonas he just had his a1c test done January 11, 2011..

GO Jonas brothers

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12y ago

HbA1c does not have a functional role, rather it is a byproduct that results from erythrocytes' (red blood cells) dependence on glucose for energy. Since mature erythrocytes lack organelles in order to maximize intracellular space for hemoglobin, they must obtain energy directly from glucose in the blood. As glucose enters the erythrocyte, it is exposed to the highly reactive primary amines that are present on the amino acids that make up proteins. A certain proportion of hemoglobin naturally reacts with this glucose, to form the glycosylated hemoglobin, HbA1c. Unfortunately, the HbA1c form of hemoglobin is less effective at transporting oxygen. This is usually not a problem, since insulin will respond to elevated blood glucose levels, remove glucose from the blood, and keep HbA1c levels low. In diabetics however, insulin is either not produced or not functional, and so blood glucose levels can rise without mediation in response to sugar intake. Glucose has unregulated access to erythrocytes, and so the proportion of glucose in red blood cells is proportional to the glucose in the blood plasma. An increase in glucose concentration in the erythrocyte will increase the proportion of hemoglobin that exists in the HbA1c form, and potentially compromise oxygen delivery to the body.

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11y ago

Hemoglobin A1c is a tool that is frequently used to measure long-term blood sugar control. Hemoglobin A1c is also known as glycated hemoglobin. Sugar has a tendency to bind to red blood cells. The red blood cells circulate inside of the body for three months before they die. Therefore, when sugar binds to the red blood cells, it gives an accurate indication of the amount of sugar that has been in the body for the past three months. Normal Hemoglobin A1c Ranges Hemoglobin A1c is measured in a percentage. A person who does not have diabetes typically has a hemoglobin A1c that ranges from 4.5 to 6 percent. A person whose hemoglobin A1c falls between 5.7 and 6.4 percent is considered prediabetic. Diabetics typically have a hemoglobin A1c that is above 6.5 percent. In fact, people who have uncontrolled diabetes may have a hemoglobin A1c that is above eight percent. However, in order to be considered diabetic, a person must have a hemoglobin A1c above 6.5 on two separate occasions. Preparing For A Hemoglobin A1C test The A1C is a very simple test. You can drink and eat as you normally would before the test. When Can I See The Results? The amount of time that it takes to get your test results back can vary, depending on your provider. In most cases, it takes two to seven days to get the test results back. Limitations Of Hemoglobin A1C Even though hemoglobin A1C tests are effective, they do have their limitations. Keep in mind that results can vary from lab to lab. People who experience heavy or chronic bleeding may get a false low reading on the hemoglobin A1c test. A person may get falsely high results if he or she has low iron in the bloodstream. People who have recently had a blood transfusion may get false low readings. Furthermore, some people only have one type of hemoglobin. These people will probably get a false low or high reading.

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12y ago

the hemoglobin A1C is tested to check for blood sugar level in the previous 2-3 months to control therapy of diabetes patients

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4y ago

It is how the body has used the sugar or your general diet in the last 3 months

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Q: What is hba1c on blood test?
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What does the HBA1C test find?

The HbA1C test finds how much HbA1C is in your blood. A normal non-diabetic has about 3.5-5.5% HbA1C, but 6.5% is good for a diabetic. This is one of the best ways to check whether someone's diabetes is under control.

What color test tube is HbA1C?

HbA1C test tubes are typically light purple in color, signifying that the blood sample is for a chemistry test.

What is a H6A1C blood test?

The HbA1c blood test measures average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months. It is used to diagnose and monitor diabetes. A higher HbA1c level indicates poorer blood sugar control.

What colour blood tube for hba1c?

The color of the blood tube for HbA1c testing is typically lavender. Lavender-top tubes are used for collecting blood samples for hematology testing, including HbA1c.

What is the cost of a HBA1C blood test?

The cost of an HbA1c blood test can vary depending on where it is done and if insurance is involved. Typically, the cost ranges from $20 to $50 without insurance. It is best to check with the specific lab or healthcare provider for an accurate cost.

Diagnostic exam of diabetes mellitus?

There are a number of laboratory exams for Diabetes Mellitus. The fastest and most common would be the blood tests including Fasting Blood Sugar test, Random Blood Sugar test and the HBA1c

How do you test Blood sugar level?

An HBA1C test can be ordered by your doctor. The most common method, however, is to buy a traditional home blood sugar monitor. They come at a variety of sizes, accuracy and cost.

What is the meaning of the acronym A1C?

A1C is actually an abbreviation of another abbreviation, HbA1c. This is hemoglobin A1c and that is a blood test of a person's blood sugar levels to determine or evaluate diabetes.

What does a fasting blood sugar level of 122 mean?

Yes. You can be diagnosed as diabetic. However, if this is a one off test, do not jump on to insulin straight away. First under go GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) and HbA1C Test. HbA1C is considered to be more reliable test in determining whether a person is diabetic or not. When you consume more sugars on the previous day, the fasting test can not be taken as reliable. Therefore, before jumping onto insulin bandwagon, better consult a good diabetician with GTT and HbA1C Results.

Is there HbA1a or HbA1b as HbA1c and what is their significance?

There is no separate HbA1a or HbA1b; HbA1c refers to glycated hemoglobin. HbA1c is a measure of the average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months and is used to monitor long-term blood sugar control in people with diabetes. High levels of HbA1c indicate poor blood sugar control and an increased risk of diabetes complications.

What does the medical abbreviation A1c mean?

A1c is an abbreviation of another abbreviation, HbA1c, or hemoglobin A1c. It's a blood test that evaluates how your blood sugar levels have been over the last three months.HbA1c is a common measurement used when assessing diabetes. It stands for Hemoglobin A1-c. The A1c is simply a specific subtype of hemoglobin A. Hemoglobin is a molecule located in your red blood cells that is responsible for holding oxygen. HbA1c is formed when glucose (a blood sugar) binds to the hemoglobin. Ordinarily, it occurs slowly. Doctors check HbA1c levels as a way to assess the average blood sugar in a person for the past 2 months. If the HbA1c is above 6.5-7%, then the blood sugar is not adequately being controlled.

What does the medical abbreviation HbA1C mean?

HbA1c, or glycated hemoglobin, is a measure of blood sugar over time, during the last two or three months.