Batista has numerous tattoos, including a large Chinese dragon on his back, red Kanji lettering on his upper left biceps which says "Angel" in tribute to his wife Angie, a signature design on his upper right biceps, and a small Sun on his stomach which encircles his belly button. He recently added a tattoo on his arm of the flags of the Philippines and Greece merged into one.
The symbol "壽" on Chinese jewelry signifies "longevity" or "long life".
It Means 'Love'... :)
The Chinese symbol for 'new life' is commonly an oriental. This is usually used to mean new life or new birth.
he has no gf
Plus symbol (chinese): + Minus symbol (chinese): -
the Chinese dragon
The Chinese symbol for mom is "媽媽" in traditional Chinese and "妈妈" in simplified Chinese.
It basically means water in Chinese. It stands for the begining of life.
It means " Harajuku Barbie"