Ailyn Luna's birth name is Ma. Ailyn Luna.
No, kale is not seaweed. Perhaps you mean "kelp" which is a seaweed.
la luna
Luna Lovegood, Shes ma bezzie
1. kale - watery, liquid. [kah-lay] 2. kale (with long accents over the a and e) - lazy [kay-lay]
Luna- means moon . Prefix is lunar .
The address of the Luna Preservation Society Inc is: 151 Laurel Rd, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-2210
It means a "boss." The man who in charge of the works is a "luna."
La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra
moon man
Beautiful moon
It depends... what does amora luna mean, and what does poppy mean. It should be the name that suits the kitten most.