One New Taiwan dollar is equal to 0.036 in Canadian money.
Canada's unit of money is the Canadian dollar (CAD). The sign is $. Visit the related links for more information.
They use the Canadian dollar.
The French use the Euro and Canadians use the Canadian dollar (different from the U.S. dollar).
the Canadian dollar, which is worth 81.62 cents US todayThe Canadian dollar.
Money in Nunavut is called the Canadian dollar.
Quebec's Money is called: the Canadian Dollar
The Canadian dollar.
The Canadian Dollar (and cents).
They use the Canadian Dollar
The most used money would be the Canadian dollar.
It has to go through an intense process called Deflamation, in which it has to have less value than the Canadian dollar (Canadian dollars cannot get yellow fever) Most One dollar bills in america now have yellow fever. The only way to cure it is to spend all your money IMMEDIATELY.