"Je me souviens" is a French phrase that translates to "I remember." It is the official motto of the Canadian province of Quebec, often seen on their license plates, and signifies the importance of remembering the province's history and values.
Nous nous souvenons
"Je m'appelle" means "my name is" in English.
"Je sais" means "I know" in English.
"Je me lava" in English translates to "I washed myself."
Je me souviens (I remember)Je me souviens or "I Remember"
It's not you remember, it's I remember you, souviens is reflexive and is reflecting your action (remembering) back on the subject (you)
Je me souviens que maintenant
The cast of Je me souviens - 2002 includes: Irving Layton as himself
The motto of Quebec City is 'I shall put God's gift to good use'.
Je me souviens
The cast of Je me souviens - 2008 includes: Alyssa Pridham as Lauren Frederick Steiss as Fred
"Je me souviens" is a French phrase that translates to "I remember." It is the official motto of the Canadian province of Quebec, often seen on their license plates, and signifies the importance of remembering the province's history and values.
"je me souviens" is the motto for French Canada, it's a perfume, a story, a movie released in 2009 - could you be more specific about what you are looking for?
Je me souviens.
The cast of Je me souviens pas - 2012 includes: Sydney Krause as Cackling Blonde in Audience Micheline Marchildon as Miche
To remember: se souvenir this is a reflexive verb Present tense: je me souviens tu te souviens il/elle/on se souvient nous nous souvenons vous vous souvenez ils/elles se souviennent example: Je me souviens des vacances qu'on passait à la mer quand j'étais enfant.