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ask him point blank is he serious about her...see what he says

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Q: What do you do when your boyfriend likes your bestfriend?
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What does boyfriend mean in text talk?

Boyfriend or Bestfriend.

What should you do when your ex-boyfriend likes your best friend as well as you?

Just go with the flow. If you like him flirt, if you dont oh well let your bestfriend get him

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Yes. I am her boyfriend's bestfriend.

How do you get your boyfriend back after you dumped him and he likes your best friend?

Answer don't. You forget him because you are better than that and you should move on to someone else. He likes your best friend, get over it. And if she is really your bestfriend, she wouldn't go near him on that level.

My boyfriend loves me and my bestfriend as much as me?

Yeah, something's definitely not right here.

What does bf meen?

bf meens three stuff boyfriend bestfriend babyfire

What should you do if you think your boyfriend likes your best friend and he's always asking about her boyfriends and asking if she likes them and saying they don't suit her?

well first off, it doesn't necessarily mean that your boyfriend really digs your bestfriend. I had a similar situation like this happen to me before. You need to sit down with him and really ask him why he keeps talking about her and that its bothering you and making you feel as if he likes her. Sometimes, your boyfriends just want to have their say in opinions no matter what it is. Your boyfriend is your boyfriend, right? Just make sure he knows that.

You like your best friends exboyfriend he likes you too what do you do?

First of all you have to make sure whether or not your best friend still likes her ex -boyfriend. IF she does and you really care about her you would try and stay away from him so he wouldn't think your trying to lead him on. Now if your bestfriend's over him and you like her ex- boyfriend.....maybe you should think about getting with him....

Should you fight your best friend because she likes your boyfriend?

no i don't think u should i mean try sreaching for another one for her i mean she's ur bestfriend friends are better than boyfriends

What if your boyfriend calls you bitchy behind your back and makes fun of you with your bestfriend. Is he a bad boyfriend?

yea he is no one should make fun of you behind your back especially your boyfriend

What do you do if you like a girl and she likes you to but she has a boyfriend she likes to?

Then she has to choose you or her boyfriend.

How do you know when a girl likes you in 6th grade?

Talk to her bestfriend! Or if your too nervous, get one of your friends to ask(: