Re-add your friends, or contact Facebook as they may have a backup of your account before your friends disappeared
no you keep all your friends unless you get a new xbox
no you'll still keep your friends but if you delete your sim then you'll lose them............ its true I've done it before and i lost all her friends and I'm only 11
If you mean to your friends, you will lose friends and they will also be mean to you.
I guess you can. But you'd lose all of your friends. #PlugLife Not that you had any friends to begin with.
No, not at all. Keep your friends around you because they will last a lot longer than boys and then when you lose the boy who will you have? Even if you do not lose him you will still need your friends around because you can't spend all your time with a boyfriend.
-You can lose relationships with friends and your family -You can lose your job
date her anyway and lose your friends. if they don't like who you date they cant be real friends
because it would be a bigger loss to lose ALL of your friends than one person. i did the opposite and that happened
No but you will loose all of the songs that you downloaded to your "touch" at his house...
Friends are good when you all get along. It is also really nice to have your friends at your side when you need them. But friends can be kind of pointless because of those who aren't as lucky who's friends keep falling out all the time, thinks "why have them as friends if the just fall out?" Also friends are kind of pointless because when we grow and leave school you seem to lose contact with your friends. It is alright if you stay in contact, but when love takes over, that is when your contact with your friends is lost. In a way it all depends on your thoughts about your friends and about yourself with them. So your having your friends could be a good or bad thing.
Very quickly and frequently .
they lose their culture, friends, family