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Q: What do you called one who betrays his country to the enemy?
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What is the meaning of traitor?

One who violates his allegiance and betrays his country; one guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers his country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place intrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished; also, one who takes arms and levies war against his country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country. See Treason., Hence, one who betrays any confidence or trust; a betrayer., Traitorous., To act the traitor toward; to betray; to deceive.

What is female traitor called?

The noun 'traitor' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust.

What term describes someone who betray's their country by helping their enemy?

Betraying one's country is called an act of Treason. Defecting is also a term for one who leaves their country to join the enemy.

What is An act that betrays or endangers ones country?

Treason is an act that betrays or endangers one's country, typically by acting against the government or aiding its enemies. It is considered a serious crime and is punishable by law.

What is a female traitor called?

The noun 'traitor' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust.

Who betrays who on Pretty Little Liars?

No one betrays anyone

the Philippines enemies?

There is no enemy for the people of a country. if they are said that they have, the enemy is the one who makes them believe it.

What does traitorous mean?

A traitor is one who turns against his own country, group, or peers. The action of a traitor is treason.It's usually used in war,it means that a soldier in a country betrays his country or shoots his soldiers

Who betrays Penelope?

This question does not belong in the "New Testament" category as there is no-one in the Bible called 'Penelope'. : try Greek myths

What is an unexplored area called that has enemy's in that unexplored area?

An unexplored area inhabited by one's enemy may be called hostile territory.

Use context clues to determine the best definition of the term shown in all capital letters. The commanding officer was imprisoned for being a QUISLING?

That is One who betrays his country.

What is it called when you move from one country to another?

It is called emigration when you leave one country and immigration when you arrive in another country.