The majority of Latvians currently elebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve (December 24. th.) and Christmas Day (the 25 th.). A significant part of the population is Russian orthodox and they celebrate Christmas on January 6 th. and 7 th.
The first decorated Christmas tree was in Latvia, Riga 1510In Riga, Latvia in year of 1510
In Riga, Latvia 1510
The first documented use of a Christmas Tree in world history was in 1510, in the capital city of Latvia - Riga.
Latvia, Riga 1510
In Riga, Latvia 1510
Christmas was first celebrated in the 7th century.
Christmas trees had become commonplace in the United States by the 1870s. However, the first appearance is not exactly known. It is a German custom, but was popular in the British Isles in the 18th century.
Martin Luther, Latvia - Riga 1510
IN 1510 dummy