Tape is the binding that glue can be applied to. Glue is a sticky stuff that joins to peices of material together.
I use in order glue, super glue, gorilla glue, the tape, masking tape, and then finally duckt tape. If that doesn't work your screwed ;-P
Wood glue, superglue and liquid glue Sticky tape and masking tape
On average, 93.8% of the World population use tape more than glue on a regular basis. Posted by the U.S. Buereau of Tape and Glue
The Gorilla Glue company in Cincinatti.
Glue or tape
A tape can be a VHS tape, a Cassette tape, or...tape. The sticky stuff that holds things together, less permament than glue.
Glue typically does not stick well to duct tape because duct tape has a smooth, water-resistant surface that may prevent the glue from adhering properly. It's best to use a strong adhesive specifically designed for bonding materials like duct tape.
tape? saliva?
with glue staples tape
1. Sticktape is not as messy as glue, so if your doing a project, you can ruin your clothes and/or furniture with the glue. 2. You can save tape for a long time, unlike glue which hardens after a while. 3. There are many different types of glue, like hot glue, so you can use them in different situations where sticky tape wouldn't help much.