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No records worldwide, but fractions are mostly used for thirds, halves and quarters and "one in a million", whereas percents are used for most other numbers where percentage is between 1 and 99 (Note football demands 110% from its players!)

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Q: What do people use more fractions or decimals or percents?
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Why do you use percents?

Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.

Where can one learn more about converting decimals into fractions?

You can learn more about converting decimals into fractions by taking math classes. You can also learn more about converting decimals into fractions on various websites like MathisFun and WebMath.

Why are repeating decimals changed to fractions?

There are times when working with fractions is more convenient than working with decimals.

How do you add percents and fractions together?

Convert them to one or the other. Your answer will usually be more accurate if you're adding fractions.

Is it easier to work with fractions or decimals?

Decimals until you get to values with over nine decimal places, then fractions are more exact

Are millimeter measurements written in fractions or decimals?

Decimals are more commonly used.

When given a problem with decimals and fractions should you convert them to all decimals or all fractions?

It really doesn't matter whichever one you are more comfortable with. fractions are a bit more challenging to convert.

What can a calculator convert?

A calculator can convert numbers that appear as decimals into numbers that appear as fractions. Fractions are generally considered more easy to use then decimals.

When did integers start becoming more popular?

When they finally accepted that they are outnumbered by fractions and decimals.

How does a nurse use decimals?

A strong working understanding of fractions and decimals is essential for nurses. They must be familiar enough with fractions and decimals to quickly and accurately divide, multiply, add and subtract dosages as well as convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Conceptual understating of fractions and decimals is essential since half doses, extra doses and time-delayed dosages must be calculated correctly. Nurses also need to know how to convert fractions and decimals to percentages in order to explain medication instructions accurately and easily to their patients. Read more about how math is related to nursing at the link I provided below.

What fraction is smaller than 1-4?


Name one advantage of decimals over fractions?

It depends on what you are trying to do. For most people using decimals is easier because it allows them to visualize the number better than a fraction. For example, if you needed to order them from least to greatest, it may be easier to see them in decimal form rather than fractions. However, fractions are usually more accurate because some decimals need to be rounded off. For example, the fraction 1/7 is more accurate than the decimal form .142857142857..... because the numbers 142857 continue on infinitely.