Seal teeth look very similar to dog teeth in that they are sharp and curved. You can see pictures of seal teeth online at National Geographic.
sharp, yellow and disgusting
They have no teeth. Like other birds, they swallow bits of rock which stay in their gullets, and are used to pulverize the food, which is swallowed whole.
Sea Lions typically prey on smaller penguin species such as the Galapagos Penguin or the Magellanic Penguin. These penguins are easier for Sea Lions to catch due to their smaller size.
They look after their young for about 1 year
it Will look like a small penguin
a big penguin
Teeth will look uneven and there will be gaps.
Their teeth are sharp.
Hannah Montana does not own a penguin.
crows dont have teeth.
Yes, when you are a penguin.
a big penguin
Parakeets do not have teeth, they have a beak and a tongue.
what does a dingo look like.
Gunter looks like a cartoon penguin.
looks like what you would expect booth teeth yellowish