Like any bird - yes
you ask "What do owls look like." unless they changed it, it should have an option to say that the question you asked is not the same as the one it says. sorry if that was confusing...
Baby owls, known as owlets, are born covered in downy feathers with large eyes but without ear tufts. They are not able to fly until they are about 2 months old and their feathers start to resemble those of adult owls as they grow.
Owls have many feathers, making a thick 'overcoat' which is to some extents weatherproof, owls also have a fine down underneath the top feathers, which keeps them warm. The feathers make the owl look much bigger than the actual body size.
All owls are covered with feathers of different colors.
white owls
Small owls
There disc like face acts as a satillite and picks up sounds better.
white owls
Long Eared Owls