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Q: What do large positive numbers indicate on the modern stellar scale?
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Explain the methods which are available to store negative numbers and how are they used. Which method is mainly used today and why?

signed magnitude, one bit indicates the sign of the number and the other bits indicate the positive magnitude of the number (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)one's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)two's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude plus one (this system is asymmetric about zero, with one more negative value than positive)offset binary, numbers are represented as the positive sum of their actual value and an offset (this system is asymmetric about zero, typically with one more negative value than positive)Most modern systems use two's complement for fixed point numbers (because the arithmetic circuitry is simpler than the others) and a combination of signed magnitude and offset binary for floating point numbers (because this format allows the same instructions for comparing fixed point numbers to also be used to compare floating point numbers, reducing the number of different instructions and the circuitry to implement them),

What are real numbers in modern algebra?

Real numbers include both positive and negative numbers, and also zero; also included are integers and fractions, including all types of fractions (rational, irrational, or transcendental). Only imaginary numbers are not real.

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Modern numbers are called Arabic numbers, so.....

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There's a crowded graveyard of series that died in that post-Modern, black-ish debuted last Wednesday behind Modern Family to stellar.

What do the numbers on hawken rifle 91 781178?

Without additional information, it would be impossible to give you much information. That appears to be a serial number, which would indicate a modern reproduction of a Hawken rifle.

What is the first positive non-Fibonacci number?

4 Fibanocci numbers are each the sum of the 2 previous numbers, i.e. 1,1,2,3,5,8 Thus 4 is the first one missing By modern definition, the above response is incorrect - 0 (zero) is both positive (it is defined as such) and not in the Fibonacci set. This answer is given based on a slight assumption, there cannot be a "first number" on a number line. The lowest number that is positive and not within the set of Fibonacci numbers (as inferred as the true meaning of your question) is zero.

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80 degrees Celsius is hotter than 20 degrees Celsius. (Higher positive numbers are hotter temperatures on all modern scales.)

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