The two official languages of the U.S. State of Hawaii are:
English is the common language of Hawaii, spoken by nearly everyone.
Hawaiian is taught in schools, but only about 26,000 people can speak it fluently, which is less than 5% of the population of ethnic Hawaiians.
Hawaiian Creole English, often inaccurately called "Hawaiian Pidgin", is spoken by about 600,000 people. It is not related to a language called Pidgin Hawaiian,which went extinct in the mid 20th Century.
Here is a list of the most common languages of Hawaii:
English, Japanese, and sometimes Hawaiian. Most of the streets in Honolulu are in Hawaiian, but they don't really speak it.
The main languages of Hawaii are English, hawaiian (native), spanish, french, Italian and Portuguese.
Haoles speak English, locals speak pigeon, a type of broken English mixed with Hawaiian and Japanese words that have been truncated and butchered to the point that they have become their own word with their own meaning. Garanz Ball Bearenz, for example means "guaranteed".
Hawaiians speak mostly english, however, they do have their own language which many of us speak daily. In the early 1950's the US government tried to abolish the language (imagine the nerve...), but it survived, and today, there is a massive movement to bring it back. Also, early Hawaii was heavily inhabited and developed by the Japanese (makes the Pearl Harbor attack even more of an atrocity, no?); so, there is a lot of Japanese spoken there as well.
They speak the same English but they do say some words in Hawaiian.
They speak English and Hawaiian.
English and Hawaiian are both official languages in Hawaii.
English, but many other languages including Hawaiian are spoken there.
English, Hawaiian, Pidgin, Mandarin, Japanese....just to name a few.
Pidgin (Hawaiian) is the native language.
But English is the primary language.
English and Hawaiian are both official languages in Hawaii.
Hawaii, being a group of islands, does not speak any languages.The people in Hawaii speak a lot of different languages, depending on their heritage and education.
yes, but they also speak a hawian language, similar to people in California speak English but spanish too.
Hawaii is a US state, so most people there speak English. Of course anyone who studied Spanish or moved to Hawaii from a Spanish-speaking area would speak Spanish as well. Others may also speak Hawaiian, the original language of the islands, and there are many people of Asian origin.
The language that Hawaiians speak is Hawaiian, also known as Κ»Εlelo HawaiΚ»i. It is an official language of the state of Hawaii and is spoken by a small but growing number of people.
English is spoken there because it is a part of the United States, but the original Native language is Hawaiian and a few people still speak it.
Hawaii had the largest percentage of people who did not speak English in the 1990s, and it was second in 2000.
Hawaii had the largest percentage of people who did not speak English in the 1990s but was second in 2000, with California holding that position in 2000.
he speak English and Hawaii, even he is Japanese, but he can't speak Japanese
They speak the same English but they do say some word in hawaiian Mostly English but there and many languages that people speak there too Pigeon -- English slang
hawaii isnt a deserted place and people live in huts and wear grass skirts! ad not everyone who lives here is hawaiian. and we dont have luaus everyday and no everyone dances hula... we speak english people! so yes there are beggars.
Yes- The Hawaiian language appears to be complex, but once you learn the key to pronouncing words, it is very simple. Of course, citizens of Hawaii speak English, but many speak some Hawaiian, and Hawaiian words are part of everyday language. Aloha (which is Hawaiian for hello, goodbye, welcome, love- and several other things)
Untrue statement. Hawai'ians speak English. Many of them speak additional languages, including Hawai'ian.