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Nothing! adults do not drink anything but babies nurse. Adults do not drink anything because they get that nutrition from their food.

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14y ago

Seals drink a bit of seawater from time to time .

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11y ago

they drink water from Attic or Antarctic oceans

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Q: What so seals drink?
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What seals drink?

Seals drink a bit of seawater from time to time .

How long do harp seals drink their mothers milk?

yes harper seals drink there mothers milk

What so seals like to eat?

So seals eating can where other seals

What else do navy seals do?

Drink, fight and f@#k

What are the ingredients of the soft drink Ramune?

Some ingredients that are in this drink are Carbonated Water, Sugar, Citric Acid, and Flavor. What makes this drink unique is the marble that seals the drink.

Do leopard seals prey on other seals?

Yes! they prey on young Antarctic Fur seals, Crabeater Seals, Ross Seals And Weddell Seals

What do harm seals eat?

Did you mean harp seals? If so, in their early stages they drink milk from their mothers, then as they grow Harp seals have a varied diet of fish such as capelin, polar and Arctic cod, herring, sculpin, Greenland halibut, redfish, and plaice. They also consume crustaceans such as amphipods, krill, and decapods (shrimps and prawns)

Do seals drink fresh water?

Although some seals are known to drink seawater at least on occasion, it is not well established that they routinely do so in fact they usually don't drink water at all and get it from the animals they eat although this means that there urine is two and a half the saltiness of the sea and eight times more salt than their blood.

Do the navy seals train other servicemen?

No they do not. SEALS train SEALS because their work is so classified.

Why seals bark?

seals are related to canines like dogs and wolves. therefore, seals bark for the same reasons dogs do, to communicate.

Do leopard seals have blubber?

Yes all seals have 2 layers of blubber, so I'm pretty sure that leopard seals have blubber 2.

How are seals adapted?

seals have tapering body so they can stay in cold sea and eat only fish