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area is the outside of a polygon or some kind of shape.

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Q: What do I know about area?
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Beneficial to know the area of a shape?

well it is benificial to know the area of a shape because to find the circumference, radius, and diameter u must know the area of the shape well it is benificial to know the area of a shape because to find the circumference, radius, and diameter u must know the area of the shape

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How do you find the length and breadth if area is known for a rectangle?

If you do not know the length or breadth of a rectangle, you cannot know the area. If you do not know the area of a rectangle, you cannot know the length and breadth. To know the length and breadth of a rectangle, you have to know some other contributing factor in the equation. If you don't, measure it!

How do you know that area is this and perimeter is that?

You know because the area is the distance inside a polygon and a perimeter is the distance outside a polygon.

How do you work out the difference of the area of a circle and the area of a square when the radius of the circle is 6cm and the side of length of the square is 12cm?

Do you know how to find the area of a circle when you know the radius ? Good! Do that. Do you know how to find the area of a square when you know the length of the side ? Good! Do that. Now you have two numbers ... the area of the circle and the area of the square. The problem wants you to find the difference of these two numbers. Do you know how to use subtraction to find the difference of two numbers ? Good! Do that.

Formulas of area in a circle?

If you know the circle's Radius, the area is [ pi times r2 ]. If you know the circle's Diameter, the area is [ 1/4 pi D2 ].

If I know the sq.ft. how do I determine the area and perimeter?

"Sq.ft." is the area. It's a phrase used by people who actually don't understandthe whole concept. If you know the sq.ft., then you know the area, because they'rethe same thing. But you can't determine the perimeter from knowing the area.

Many home owners do not know about the zoning restrictions in their area. ?

Many home owners do not know about the zoning restrictions in their area.

How do you find the width of the rectangle?

If you know the area the divide area by length if you know perimeter subtract it by 2xlength and divide by 2

How does area work?

Area tells you the inside area of an object so you know how big the center is.

How do you find the width of a rectangle when you know its area and length?

You divide area by length or area/length.