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Start the saw without the blade for a split second to see which direction it spins. The saw blade teeth should point in the same direction. The points of the teeth are the part that should strike the wood first.

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7y ago

towards you and with the direction of rotation

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12y ago

Forward when the saw is in motion.

The teeth on the bottom cut into the wood.

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"Wood saw" covers many different saws and in most case the teeth are set to cut a particular way.

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Holding one in front of you they go clockwise looking from the right.

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one direction

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Q: Which way do the teeth face on a wood saw?
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The blade is places so teeth cut on the push stroke.

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A chainsaw's chain should be fitted so that the points of the teeth face in the same direction as the chain moves. Then they will cut into the wood without needing much downward pressure. If the teeth are sharp you should never have to force the chain down into the surface of the wood. If you find you have to force the chain down to make it cut the wood then the teeth must either have gone blunt - and the chain needs to be sharpened or replaced - or the chain was installed with the teeth facing the wrong way so that the backs of the teeth just rub over the surface of the wood and you need to press down very hard just to get the teeth to wear down into the wood instead of cutting it cleanly.

In what way is comb and saw alike?

They both resemble your mouth, in that all three have teeth.

If a guinea pig eats wood then does it mean they want something?

It could be a way to get your attention or it could be a way of them filing down their teeth.

Why does the coping saw blade face towards us?

because it losen the blade if it was the other way.

What is the recommended way to install the hacksaw blade into the saw's frame?

Most blades anymore are marked which end goes towards the handle. If not, the points on the teeth should point away from the handle so that they cut on the forward stroke.

How do you lubricate a hand saw?

I spray it with WD40 but the approved technique is to rub it with a candle. That way the wood is not covered in rust marks.

What is a tenon saw made out of?

There is no definite date on that, but tenon saws have been used for at least 200 years just the way we see them now.

What if there is no rotation arrows on diamond tile saw blade?

It doesn't matter on a diamond blade. Either way will work. Usually there is printing on one face that would face out, on the nut side, but it doesn't matter.

Does the manufacturing logo on a circular saw blade always face out toward you?

Depends on the manufacturer and if the saw is left or right handed. Normally a saw cuts UP rotating in the opposite direction a wheel would. Click the saw on, without a blade in to see which way the motor turns then put the blade in to cut in that direction.

Does the carpenter ant eat wood like a termite does?

No, just because you saw the word "carpenter" that doesn't mean he eats wood? No way man, no way, they only work to dig soil and spit the soil from her mouth. ANYWAY Carpenter ants dig soil to expand there ant hill.