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The trip to and from there would be either shorter or longer.

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Q: What difference to surrouding countries would it make if an earthquake shifted Japan by 8 feet?
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Which island shifted due to an earthquake in Japan?

The island that shifted due to an earthquake in Japan is Okushiri Island. In 1993, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 caused significant horizontal and vertical movement along the fault line beneath the island, resulting in the island shifting position.

Why did tsunami hit Japan?

The tsunami hit because of the earthquake shifted the ground and caused the tsunami.

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How did the great east Japan earthquake change the Earth's surface?

shifted earth's axis about 10 meters.

Did an island in Japan shift after earthquake 2011?

Yes, the island was shifted about 7.9 feet toward the east.

How much did earth move after the earthquake in Japan?

The 2011 earthquake in Japan moved the Earth on its axis by an estimated 6.5 inches (16.5 centimeters). This shift caused the length of a day to shorten by about 1.8 microseconds.

Where is the focus located on an earthquake?

The focus of an earthquake is the actual point underground where the seismic energy is released, creating the earthquake rupture. It is located beneath the Earth's surface along the fault line where the tectonic plates have shifted.

Why did the earthquake happen in japan 2011?

The earthquake in Japan in 2011 was caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate along the Japan Trench. This tectonic movement resulted in a massive release of energy that led to the earthquake.

Why did the eartquake in japan happen?

The same reason any earthquake happens, tectonic plates shifted against each other.

How many scientists believe that the Chilean earthquake shifted the earth's axis?

It is not a matter of belief. It has been scientifically measured that the Chilean earthquake caused the Earth's axis to shift approximately two inches.

What was the cause of the tsunami in Japan?

The cause of the tsunami was an earthquake that scored 8.9 on the rictor scale was that of the tectonic plates shifted under Japan, and caused the tragedy.

What was true of the difference between the North and the South after 1820?

The south's economy shifted from ariculture to manufacturing