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Medieval monetary transactions were done in coins made of gold, silver, or copper.

They had no paper money at all.

In later parts of the High Middle Ages times, it was possible to do transactions on account with the Knights Templar, and after they were suppressed, with banks.

Payments of rent by serfs were often done in wheat or other agricultural produce.

In the first two centuries of the Middle Ages, there was almost certainly a shortage of coins, but we have very little record of how commerce went on. We know there was some activity from archaeological evidence, but the assumption is that it was very much reduced in scale and probably included a good deal of barter.

There is a link below to a related question about medieval coins.

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12y ago

There was the Byzantine gold nomisma. Each area though had different standardized currency. All of it was only coins. Paper money wasn't around back then. The coins though were made of different metals, had different weights even if made of the same metal, and differed in purity of the metal. Mostly though I think they used land, livestock, and serfdom to handle transactions.

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12y ago

That depends on the exact time period - coinage, like every aspect of life, changed and evolved over the very long medieval period.

At first, the only coins in circulation were silver pennies, which had already been used for hundreds of years by the pre-Norman Saxon kings. The Normans continued the same tradition, but put their own kings on the coins.

From the late 13th century, additional coins were gradually introduced over the next few hundred years. First the halfpenny and farthing (half and a quarter penny), followed later by angels and half angels, ducats, crowns, groats and double groats, florins, nobles, shillings, sovereigns, unicorns and many more coins.

There is no such thing as "medieval coins"; you have to be far more specific about the date.

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13y ago

mainly, they used gold, silver, and bronze coins back then. each one was worth its own separate amount. some iron coins where used as well.

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13y ago

They used money like how we use money today. They used it for everyday essentials, houses, clothes, horses, and sometimes even girls.

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15y ago

I believe it was farthings and shillings

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