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What did the southerners threaten with

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Q: What did the south threatened to do if the balance was not maintained?
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The south in an uproar threatened to secede, if the balance of slave and free states was not maintained.

What maintained the balance between the north and the south?

The Earth is a sphere and while we divide it into North and south, it is largely symmetrical and therefore can not be out of balance.

What did the south threatin to do if the balance of free and slave states was not maintained?

Secede from the USA, living on its huge cotton wealth.

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An ecosystem is maintained by keeping a balance between the number of resources and the number of the users. Also, it is maintained by the balance between predators and prey.

What did the south threaten to do if the balance of free and slave states weren't maintained?

Break away, because the North would inevitably use their majority in the House to pass laws in their own favour, at the expense of the South.

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They are most threatened by deforestation

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Checks and Balances

What threatened the delicate balance of power between north and south in the late 1840?

The acquisition of vast new territories from Mexico, and pressure from the Abolitionists to ban slavery from the whole of this region.

What threatened the delicate balance of power between north and south in the late 1840s?

The acquisition of vast new territories from Mexico, and pressure from the Abolitionists to ban slavery from the whole of this region.

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She was threatened with violence and left the south